Careplus Gloves Nitrile Powder Free L 100 S

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AED 39.69
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Details Nitrile Single-use powder free examination gloves. Let you change hand protection quickly and easily when moving from one material or action to the next. This ensures that everything stays clean of contaminates. Suitable for widely use in healthcare situations, food handling, laboratories, certain outdoor settings, cleaning tasks and many other applications.
Ingredients please check the box/leaflet
for more information you can Call 800 500 800 & Our Pharmacists Will Happily Assist You
How to use
Usage Instructions Be sure the gloves are the right size. Wash your hands well with soap, and rinse them with clean, running water. Then dry them well. Hold the glove in one hand, and put your other hand into the glove. Repeat with your other hand.
Usage Precautions Excellent biological barrier, not intended for use as a chemical barrier.
Trimming nails before wearing , too long or too sharp nails will break gloves easily.
Wash your hands before wearing and after removing.
Don't reuse disposable gloves.
More Information
Brand Careplus
Product Form Box
Disclaimer The product description information listed is indicative only and does not substitute professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals.
Always seek the advice of your physician or health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen.
It is recommended that you verify the more detailed information in relation to the product upon physical receipt before use.
This would include information on matters such as most complete and up-to-date list of ingredients, proper application, potential side-effects, ingredients and any application/usage guidelines or warnings.
we accept no liability for damage resulting from the misuse products or improper storage
You have the right to ask prior to purchase, In the event you have any queries or concerns in relation to the product please contact us on 800500800
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