Power Plus For Men Tabs 60 S

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AED 248.00
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Details Powerful blend contains natural ingredients to increase physical endurance and general health of men. The effective blend is formulated with actives like Korean red ginseng, octacosanol, and maca.
Korean Ginseng Corp, uses red ginseng root that grows for 6 years before its harvested. Applying their know-how tradition of manufacturing ginseng, results in 2 years of soil preparation with rich nutrition in the perfect environments and 6 years of growing ginseng, making it a total of 8 years before harvesting.
It is used to improve exercise performance including strength, stamina, and reaction time. This nutrient-dense superfood helps support a healthy libido, increasing drive and desire. CheongKwanJang is Korea's leading brand based on years of manufacturing experience and know-how applying strict quality control.
- Helps guys feel more energized
- Bolsters endurance and stamina
- Increases one's sense of equilibrium and wellbeing
- Helps to increase physical performance
- Encourages lean body mass and curviness
- Aids to increase strength and performance
- Helps to maintain a strong & healthy libido
- Gives you the nutrition you need to increase your stamina
How to use
Usage Instructions Take 2 CheongKwanJang Power Plus Korean Red Ginseng + MACA + Octacosanol Tablet 500mg a day with water
Usage Precautions Read instructions before use.
Keep in a cool place away from direct sunlight
Note this product is not a medical product for preventing or treating diseases
Check each ingredient carefully for allergies and interactions
If taking medical drugs (diabetes treatment, anti-coagulant, etc.), exercise caution when consuming the product
Avoid exposure to high temperatures or direct sunlight
Keep out of reach of children
More Information
Brand CheongKwanJang
Product Form Tablets
Disclaimer The product description information listed is indicative only and does not substitute professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals.
Always seek the advice of your physician or health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen.
It is recommended that you verify the more detailed information in relation to the product upon physical receipt before use.
This would include information on matters such as most complete and up-to-date list of ingredients, proper application, potential side-effects, ingredients and any application/usage guidelines or warnings.
we accept no liability for damage resulting from the misuse products or improper storage
You have the right to ask prior to purchase, In the event you have any queries or concerns in relation to the product please contact us on 800500800
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