Tea+ Cleanse Bags 14 S

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AED 29.00
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Details TEA+ is created as a unique blend of vitamins, herbs, fruit and green tea with the aim to help in your daily wellness goals when needed most in a convenient, nutritious and delicious cup of tea. Infused with a delicious blend of vitamins, herbs, fruit and green tea. TEA+ Cleanse Vitamin Tea helps with your daily wellness goals. TEA+ is a new range of vitamin infused teas designed to help maintain general health and wellbeing. We have created a unique blend of vitamins, herbs, fruit and green tea with the aim to help in your daily wellness goals when needed most in a convenient, nutritious and delicious cup of tea. Selenium contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress whilst Vitamin C and Biotin contribute to normal collagen formation for the normal function of skin. Milk Thistle and Dandelion Root are plants with anti-oxidant properties that traditionally used to protect the liver from damage and maintaining a healthy digestive system with Natural apple & blackcurrant flavourings.
Ingredients Green Tea, Lemongrass (22%), Apple Pieces, Natural Flavouring, Vitamin D
How to use
Usage Instructions Enjoy at least 1 cup of TEA+ per day. Place one teabag in a cup, fill with near boiling water and allow to infuse for 3 minutes before drinking. 14 day supply of vitamin tea (1 per day). Recommended limit of 5 servings per day.
Usage Precautions Food supplements must not replace a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
More Information
Brand Vitabiotics
Product Form Pack
Disclaimer The product description information listed is indicative only and does not substitute professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals.
Always seek the advice of your physician or health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen.
It is recommended that you verify the more detailed information in relation to the product upon physical receipt before use.
This would include information on matters such as most complete and up-to-date list of ingredients, proper application, potential side-effects, ingredients and any application/usage guidelines or warnings.
we accept no liability for damage resulting from the misuse products or improper storage
You have the right to ask prior to purchase, In the event you have any queries or concerns in relation to the product please contact us on 800500800
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